Monday, October 04, 2004

the beginning of hell.

Define hell. Hell is when u get 3 subjects in a row, and all 3 you get C5, thats hell. today was doomsday, first paper returned was geography. Well, was quite nervous and excited at the same time, cause i think i didn't do too badly. My name was read out, and Ms Foo shot out the words " horse.", followed by the marks, 32.5. I was very satisfied, as you all know, I couldn't even pass my geog during my past 3 years, so to get 32.5 was a very big achievement for me.
Then afterwards was social studies, didn't expect to do well, but still managed a B,31. Got a pathetic 13 for my section B, and my source based got a 18, surprised by how tyco i can get.
After that, it was straight down. Physics got a C5, after adding prelim 1 would become C6, so what's the diff? Of course that Chia bastard was kao-pehing away. Our results poor, of course la, what can we expect for physics when we have such a freaking pathetic teacher. I don't wanna blame anyone for my poor results, but what can you really expect, when you have a teacher who looks down on you, and teaches combined physics stuff instead of pure.
He definitely is top in my list of "worst teacher i ever come across". I can't imagine my father is working and slugging so hard to pay taxes, just to pay this type of civil sevants. I rather they sack him and give the extra taxes to the more committed teachers in the school. I'm feeling quite down now, didn't expect my results to be so pathetic, and have to come home and withstand the nagging of my parents. I don't know when they will stop, and i guessed they never will. When i answer them, they say I'm rude, when i keep quiet, they would say "you won't get anywhere with this attitude. "Seriously, I'm damn tired of all this shit.
Hope tomorrow would be a better day. haiz...


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