Tuesday, February 07, 2006

cny week...

This week has been quite shag, due to the stress generated from gambling. Haha, luck has been ok, but never really gamble though, don't really feel like risking my money.

Anyway, since i haven't blog so long, let's see what is happening around the world. As we chinese are busy celebrating cny, a war was going on somewhere in the world, it was the Muslims against the err, media?

It's sort of stupid really, like some guy who commented on the newspaper, it is stupid that people were killed and embassies being burnt down, simply because of a few stupid cartoons. What the hell were they thinking of anyway?

I know where this is going, and i must say that both sides have a very convincing reason. On the left hand side, we have the media with their so called press freedom. I don't know what led to them publishing the cartoons, but what the fuck? So many things happening around the world, the iran thingy, the North Korea loser, the Japanese Horie, Bush with his whatever budget, so many many, or maybe maybe, Tarantula being abandon, but they just had to let their mind venture and come out with some stupid cartoon. I haven't seen it though, let me think, just draw a malay and put the name prophet there? Come on man get a life, to hell with the press freedom, world peace is more important.

On the right hand side, the muslims with their senseless demostrations and fighting. Another group of fuckers who have nothing else to do, so many many demostrations and fighting, for what? Actually i feel that the response was even more disgraceful. If i was a muslim, seriously i wouldn't be so free to go for such stupid thing, even if i was free, i would have done other things. The riots and fighting is just smearing their own religion. Yes i can feel the anger, but doing this kinda things ain't right.

If my religion was being insulted, i wouldn't really bother, you want to talk, carry on, i won't interrupt you. I know the majority of malays are probably doing that now, because, what's the point of fighting? Go ahead and talk and draw and write all you want, I tolerate, I forgive, that's basically what all religion teach.

Therefore, to all the people with their senseless acts, wake up man wake up, be ashame of what you have done, your god would not forgive you.

Ok, that's all, i will try to update more frequently, gotta catch some sleep...


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